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  • An Earth Child's Book of Verse

    Poetry and song for the seasons. Written by Marian Louise Camden with illustrations by Diane Beem Wright.Written in Celtic, earth-based tones, this book of poetry is a delightful read.  Find a special, earth-themed poem for each month of the year, plus bonus “The Brave Earth Child.”  These verses will delight and instruct children and take adults into the magical land of long, long ago.  a wonderful companion to AN EARTH CHILD’S BOOK OF THE YEAR, also by Marian Louise Camden.

    Excerpt from “Hawthorn Maypole Dance:” Underneath the hawthorn tree,

    Dark at midnight you may see,

    Faeries feast and faeries dance,

    Hush! They’ll vanish at a glance.

    Children of all ages can explore even more of the underlying meaning, magic, and mystery of these poems at