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  • Just published!

    Tiny Giraffe is moving! Sweet and relatable Tiny Giraffe is the perfect pal to guide little ones through the emotional rollercoaster of saying goodbye to the comfort and familiarity of a current home, while also welcoming new beginnings. This sweet story was written by a seasoned child psychologist for her own grandchild who moved to a new and different home. Full of empathy, Tiny Giraffe’s Big Adventure normalizes all the tricky feelings of sadness, uncertainty, nervousness, excitement, courage, adventure, and joy that come with relocation. Like a cozy blanket, Tiny Giraffe’s Big Adventure wraps children in comfort and warmth as they deal with moving. 

    Books for Children

    When Dr. Camden is not doing therapy, yoga, Reiki, or gardening, she may be writing a children’s book!  So far there are three therapeutically-oriented books for children around family topics and three in the Earth Child Books Series, about nature, the seasons, a little bit of magick, and the cycle of our lives.  Visit Dr. Camden’s book website here.